Pumps & Valves 2023 - Solids Rotterdam

October 1st & 2nd 2025 –  Rotterdam Ahoy

Edition: Pumps & Valves 2023

Blok SUSstainable steam traps type SUS.

Blok SUSstainable steam traps type SUS.

Blok Gouda is developing constant new products. See f.e. our steam trap type SUS with many possibilities and the effort a SUStainable steam trap in operation and maintenance as well.
See www.blokgouda.com

Saving on Maintenance Costs with Digital Services

Saving on Maintenance Costs with Digital Services

Saving 70 percent on maintenance costs and receiving a 30 percent subsidy: How Emsland Frischgeflügel GmbH succeeds with its new vacuum system from Busch Vacuum Solutions and why its technicians can now sleep soundly on weekends.

Complete vacuümvoorziening met MINK klauwenvacuümtechnologie

Complete vacuum supply with MINK claw vacuum technology

Aquatherm is the leading worldwide manufacturer of PP-R (polypropylene random copolymer) pipe systems for plant engineering and building services. Read on to find out how Aquatherm relies on MINK claw vacuum technology from Busch Vacuum Solutions.