Saving on Maintenance Costs with Digital Services – Solids Rotterdam

October 1st & 2nd 2025 –  Rotterdam Ahoy

Saving on Maintenance Costs with Digital Services

Saving on Maintenance Costs with Digital Services

Saving 70 percent on maintenance costs and receiving a 30 percent subsidy: How Emsland Frischgeflügel GmbH succeeds with its new vacuum system from Busch Vacuum Solutions and why its technicians can now sleep soundly on weekends.



Haren, Germany | February 03, 2023 | 5 min

Johannes Kohne and his colleague look attentively at the large screen in his office. What they see is the current performance data of all their vacuum pumps. “Everything is running smoothly,” says the Technical Manager of Emsland Frischgeflügel. Each pump’s data is available in real-time on the tablets of all 60 company technicians. This means that they always know the system’s current condition and can intervene if something does not run properly. Just a few rooms down, the 36 MINK vacuum pumps from Busch Vacuum Solutions are purring away. Very reliably, they supply the site’s transport system with vacuum. This ensures that waste from meat production, as well as ready-to-eat products, can be transported from Point A to Point B safely, effectively and hygienically by pneumatic suction conveying.
Quality right from the start
“We don’t throw anything away; everything is processed – for human consumption or as high-quality animal feed,” emphasizes Kohne. The unconditional quality standard applies throughout the entire company: in their vacuum supply and products, as well as working conditions and animal welfare.
That’s why Emsland Frischgeflügel keeps an eye on the entire process chain – from feed to meat processing. In addition to three compound feed plants, the Rothkötter group also includes a hatchery and two chicken slaughtering and cutting plants. Franz Rothkötter laid the foundation for the compound feed plant in 1959. In 2003, Franz-Josef Rothkötter built the production facility in Haren, Emsland. Around 2,500 employees process chicken pieces from blade to fillet for food retail and further processing in various weight and packaging units.

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