We touch many aspects of everyday life – Solids Rotterdam

October 1st & 2nd 2025 –  Rotterdam Ahoy

We touch many aspects of everyday life
Hosokawa Micron B.V.

We touch many aspects of everyday life

Hosokawa process technologies play a bigger role in your daily life than you probably realize.



When doing the laundry, it is important that the washing powder dissolves easily in water and does not discolour your clothes. To ensure this, many detergent manufacturers use our Flexomix technology. It’s also thanks to Hosokawa’s Flexomix agglomeration systems that 70% of all babies worldwide sleep drier and better in disposable nappies that contain super-absorbent polymers.
If you indulge yourself with confectionery, chocolate or potato crisps every now and then, for example, the chances are that their ingredients have been mixed using Hosokawa machinery. And if you drink instant powder-based beverages such as coffee or chocolate, whether at home or from a vending machine, Hosokawa’s mixing, milling and agglomeration equipment has probably been used to ensure that the powder doesn’t form a dust cloud and dissolves easily in water or milk.
In terms of healthcare, various pharmaceutical products such as aspirin and paracetamol are manufactured in systems such as our Nauta vacuum mixers and dryers across Europe, for example, or in our Drymeister flash dryers outside of Europe. Meanwhile, the Hosokawa Cyclomix is widely used to manufacture inhalation powders for asthmatics.
Many body-care products contain ingredients that have been processed using our blending, drying and agglomeration equipment. As for cosmetics such as face powders, some ingredients are mixed and coated in our high-speed Cyclomix mixers for even dispersion of the pigments.
When it comes to mobility, the brakes on your bicycle, moped or car are made from iron powder. Its exact composition is important for optimal quality and safety, and that is achieved through high-precision mixing in our machines.
In fact, there are simply too many applications to mention here.
So as you can see, we touch more aspects of everyday life than you probably realized!

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