Belt conveyor for KATOEN NATIE – Solids Rotterdam

October 1st & 2nd 2025 –  Rotterdam Ahoy

Belt conveyor for KATOEN NATIE
Heilig Mixing Technology B.V.

Belt conveyor for KATOEN NATIE

This year, the N.M Heilig company delivered a belt conveyor and two ship and truck loading systems with a capacity of 250t/hr or 500m3/hour of bulk material to one of the major players in the cacao handling market, Katoen Natie.




Katoen Natie needed a reliable and flexible loading system to distribute cacao to the processing facilities. We delivered two systems with for each line a load capacity of 250t/hr or 500m3/hour of bulk material. To be flexible, as there’s always a lot of activity in a bulk terminal, our team delivered two conveyor belts with a length of about 140 meter, hanging in a corridor leaving headroom of approximately 6.5 metres.


Our team enjoys innovative projects that require creativity and ability to adapt to the circumstances. During the second phase of this amazing project, the bulk terminal started their operations, so it was essential to be flexible, work efficiently and effectively right from the start. The total lead time from order to completion was only 6 months, it was a great team effort!

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